
Hello and welcome to the Blog site for First Sight Creations!
My name is Darian.  I recently (07/10) started First Sight Creations with my husband Greg, finally realizing a life long desire to make a living doing what we love most - creating. We are based in Denver, Colorado. 

The shop name came about with three thoughts in mind: 
1. We fell in love at first sight & were married 1 year later.
2. We hope our customers fall in love with our creations.
3. This is our first web site business.

I have been a life long crafter. I taught myself how to sew at age 4 and went on to learn many other craft skills along the way. Currently I knit, sew, sculpt, am a photographer, the maker of soaps, candles, jewelry & hats along with anything else I'm curious enough about to attempt. I am an army brat who grew up mostly in Texas and Western Europe, but settled in Denver when my father retired. 

My husband works on the side as a freelance graphic artist for several record labels around the world. He also does stock photography, creates techno/industrial music, paints and is always expanding his creative venues. He is from Colorado Springs and has traveled through virtually every inch of the US. 

We are the parents of 2 amazing kids, 3 cats and one old English Bulldog, who all may inspire us from time to time. We are both very creative & love trying new things so you may see all kinds of different creations for sale in  our shop. 

Starting our shop on Etsy, this blog and a Flicker site are our first steps in eventually quiting our day jobs. Finally meeting our soul mates inspired us to take another plunge and try to make the rest of our dreams come true by working for ourselves. 

Thanks for stopping by!

26 random things about me:
1. I was born Melissa Kathleen Johnston. I changed my name in college to Darian Quest Dvorak (A Daring person on a Quest for her Nobility). When I got married it changed to Darian Quest Borrero. When I got divorced it changed to Darian Quest Johnston (to make my parents happy). In March 2010 I got married again, this time to the right man, really the only man - the love of my life, my soul mate & I still can't believe we found each other... So my name changed yet again, for the last time, to Darian Quest Rolfes. 

2. My parents have been happily married for 51 years this July. They got married at ages 20 & 21 in 1959. 

3. My father retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Army's Military Intelligence Branch after 25 years of service. Therefore, I was born while he was in the service making me an Army Brat & got to live in Europe for 7 years as a result. I lived in Stuttgart, Germany for 4 years & in Heerlen, The Netherlands for 3 years. In between I lived in Killeen, TX which is also where I was born. I also lived in Hugo OK (my mother's adopted home town) for 6 months in 9th grade while my parents were moving across town.  My father's last assignment was for Denver Colorado, he then retired, my parents moved to Texas, and I stayed in Denver. 

4. I attended Department of Defence schools through 6th grade. From the times we lived in Europe I learned to speak French, German & Dutch. I continued with German after we moved to Colorado & ended up getting my minor in it in College. I majored in English & also had a minor in Art. 

5. I have a tiny family. I have one brother who is 8 years older than me. He is married and has no kids. My father was an only child. My mother has one brother who is 8 years younger than her, is married and has no kids. Therefore, I have no cousins, nieces or nephews. All of my grandparents are dead. So including my son, I have 5 living blood relatives, one of which I created. 

6. My brother lives a charmed life. He lived in Hawaii for free. Was offered ownership a restaurant on an island off the coast of North Carolina, made it a huge success, sold it, bought land, sold it, moved to Crested Butte where he is now a Tennis Pro in the summer & does odd jobs in the winter inbetween skiing & taking trips to South America to go surfing. He's 45 & happily married. And now the new owner of Kechiever's Bar in Crested Butte.

7. I learned how to ski when I was 4 years old. When I was 5, I was in a race against 8 year old boys. And got 1st place. I was completely fearless. But I dont' really ski anymore - bad knees from too many years of dancing.

8. When I was 18 months old my parents were shoe shopping & sat me in front of a mirror in the store. I promptly raised my dress over my head and started rolling my stomach. When I was 5 they put me in belly dancing classes - it's big in Texas. 

9. I was once on a local TV station belly dancing to Steve Martin's "King Tut" I broke out of an enormous egg at the beginning of the song. Weird. I continued belly dancing until I was about 14 & couldn't find any advanced classes for my age so I taught for a while before I finally quit when punk rock overtook my soul. 

10. I am hyper-flexible in most joints.

11. I also studied tap, jazz & ballet... but I didn't like ballet, the girls were mean. 

12. When I was 4, I got my 2 front teeth knocked out on the steering wheel of a bumper car at a street fair in Germany. I can still remember what the guy looked like who was driving the bumper car that hit my dad & me. My permanent front teeth didn't come in until I was about 8, so for 4 years I never smiled showing my teeth - or gums as the case may be. 

13. When I was 5 - 5 was a big year - my mom was driving me to my first swimming lesson, she slammed on the brakes of the car for some reason, I went flying - yes, I was in the front seat & did not have a seat belt on - & a bottle of finger nail polish with a sharp lid sitting on the dash penetrated my right eye socket. I had to have stitches & wear an eye patch for a while and I still have a tiny scar.  And my best friend's dad (they lived next door) was the surgeon on call in the ER who got to stitch me up.

14. I think I may have been a drag queen in a past life - it would explain a lot. I've even dreamed about it. Any way, bring on the shiny!

15. I am somewhat complusive but not in the traditional clean freak way... I am complusively organized. If something doesn't have a "place" it goes in to a pile on the floor until I can find a place for it. And it goes in cycles. I'll let things pile up for a while, until all of a sudden I can't stand it anymore & then "have" to organize it all until it's done - no matter how long it takes. Even if that means I'm re-hanging every picture in my house at 3am. Yeah, so I'm a nut. What of it?

16. I have more hobbies than I can keep up with. My current passions are making jewelry, mini top hats & designing/making/sewing clothes. But I knit & sculpt. I do photography - but have technical difficulties according to my old professor. I also make candles & soap. 

17. I have traveled extensivly in the US & Europe + a little bit in Africa (Egypt & The Canary Islands) but am longing to get to Asia & Australia/New Zealand.

18. I gave birth to my son by myself (except the doctor) in 40 minutes without any drugs. And I was not happy about it. I wanted the drugs damnit. My doctor said if I ever have another one I might want to get a hotel close to the hospital...

19. I tend to name inanimate objects that I love. 

20. Martin is my bed. After my divorce I bought a new mattress. Lacking anyone to fantasize about at night I decided to name my mattress Martin. (It reminds me of Martin Gore, not Martin Lawrence) He is half German & half English so I can pick which accent to enjoy each night. :) Now that I'm re-married, the bed is still Martin, but he's been replaced. ;)

21. George is my iPod. A little iPod of my very own! I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and hold him and call him George. (Loony Tunes) He is 120GB and I can't express how happy that makes me, I can't wait to fill him up! 

22. Petunia is my car. Petunia the Purple People Eating PT Cruiser. =p

23. I LOVE frogs. Except you have to say it with a long "o". I always have, even as a very young girl. I used to catch them in the field behind my house in Texas when I was in Kindergarten. I would catch a new one each night & release him each morning. I had a stuffed animal frog collection. I think it was my very first collection. I just recently got 2 real live aquatic frogs of my own. Their names are Maragrita & Sangria. Frogs. They make me happy. - Sadly about 6 months ago, Margarita died & only Sangria is holding on.

24. My favorite colors are red & purple. My favorite shades are black & silver. 

25. I've been through more rough patches than it takes to make a quilt and I wouldn't have made it through if it wasn't for all of my amazing and wonderful friends and family. But most important in the whole world is my beautiful, amazing son who gives me strength I never knew I had and showed me a depth of love I didn't think possible. Thank you all, always and for everything.

26. My husband...what can I say that isn't cliché? Nothing. I would be lost without him. He is multi-talented in his own right. He inspires me. He makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. 

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